foci left - ultrawerld lpthere are three of these, like "sadly, the future", if you did not know. they're more atmospherically upright than james' creation, though, it's less of a doomy affair (i like doom). all on bandcamp - search foci's left, i don't like leeching. i also do not like capitalising, hee hee. nah, try it for size. if the melodies fit your ear frequency, you could have a good album in your collection there.
the music was furtively based around the idea of a demon world, a shadow world, and a medium (integer) organic world. in the demon world, everything is shit and destructive, to put it bluntly. a bit of a dead end job type of idea. the shadow world on the other hand is the "you've gone too far, wrong turning" type of world. in this nature the shadow world presents itself as alienation from the demon world, and the loss of faith in people at large. not disaster, just acrimony.
the organic world goes back to carlos castenada's ancient book "the art of dreaming", in which 'organic beings' are a temperamental force in the non-home synopsis as much as climate change annoys people and gets them down. for instance, if one goes outside, i often encounter at least one "shady" (shadow of self/demon) type individual that can potentially ruin my night or afternoon. it's the same for many good people. but i do not predicate my simple mind worrying about death.
the fact that every person is incredibly differentiated in their mind and body makeup pays dividends to the fact that after billions of years, life and growth still has a stable currency in the world. things will continue to be this way as long as people stay interested in what they are doing. it's very easy to be a shadow, aka shady, lifeless, fake person (no thanks Donald Trump!) and it's also very easy to be a negative demon at the best and worst of times. the trick and point is to try our best to avoid it all. and that's what the tape machine reliances of "ultrawerld series" are designed to do.
in a series of evocative, textured loops that paint in rosy reds and pale whites, there is an absence of garish pink, the top and middle layer of any undercooked piece of meat out there usually fit for your electric cooker or microwave. locus thoughts do not stray too far from original base, but the plan here has been to go for the home run, baseball style. the fact it takes me three compact discs worth to fully express what i wanted to say is perhaps key to my downfall, but on the occasion of goodwill, sometimes i come with the goods much stronger than a succession of unlistenable musics. i would say just approach it with an open mind, and you might be pleasantly surprised.
influences? my influences for this triptych of albums: i have to mention the eno associates, at least. pretty much anyone whom appreciates what 1950s ambient was on record like, such as the modern minimalism of philip glass, terry riley, la monte young, eliane radigue, pauline oliveros, daphne oram, delia derbyshire, all the radiophonic and library music work shops crews. there is a very good doc that was screened on bbc4 about these types of musicians, around 3 years back, that was presented by jarvis cocker. also, skip spence, aka jandek. i have "the song of morgan" from his mail order when i was still on the ball, there's a good feature about him across two front covers in wire magazine circa 2015.
so, all paragraphs must come to an end. all analysis, must persist or perish. my thoughts on an "ultrawerld" were just that. an album of organica, "real" things, real people, not some pale imitation, or negative degenerate. i digress. the world is a very beautiful place and every person is born equal, with equal intelligence, unless convulsed. i guess i'm just happy, after thirty-two years, to still be here. making music like this gives me great pleasure. there may be a development series later in 2020. on my mind now are ideas of relocating in a slower climate, not literally however, and that would not be possible for my family anyway because of lockdown (that will likely be extended for some time).
i thank anyone who listens and is able to smile, and i extend my gratitude to anyone who supports the truly needy artists.
signing out (for now)
mike robert buckingham (foci left label)